Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

"Remembering our dependence on past mercies kindles gratitude. Gratitude is past-oriented dependence; faith is future-oriented dependence. Both forms of dependence are humble, self-forgetting, and God-exalting. If we do not believe that we are deeply dependent on God for all we have or hope to have, then the very spring of gratitude and faith runs dry."

John Piper

"Gratitude is what we express when we take time every Thanksgiving Day to remember God's past mercies and provisions and then pause to thank Him for them."
~fm. Thanksgiving...A Time To Remember by Barbara Rainey~

"Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for
Psalm 118:1

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hey, all you moms w/ 1 year olds! I found something that will entertain my lil' guy for more than 10 seconds. (cheers!!) Assorted sizes of plastic yogurt containers...maybe you all already do this, but just thought I'd share it. He played w/ them for a while and they both had a blast w/ them in the bath tub! Why is it my children have no interest in real toys??

Want a fast, yummy meal?? Try this TACO SOUP recipe. (Credits go to my Mom, and S. Bacon :)

2 lbs cooked hamburger or venison
2 cans black beans
2 cans tomato sauce
2 cans of corn
1 packet of taco seasoning

Heat thoroughly and serve w/ Fritos, shredded cheese, and sour cream! Super easy and yummy!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So I'm currently re-reading one of the best books. It's called "Created To Be His Help Meet" Just thought I'd post some of what I've been encouraged w/...

From Chapt. 1 "God's Plan"
"Regardless of what kind of person you have been in the past, with instructions from God's Word, you can become a heavenly-gift bride. You can still be your man's dream come true, and in the process your dreams will come true also."

"Each day is a decision, each hour a challenge, and each response starts you toward either the quicksands of divorce or the solid ground of being blessed "heirs together of the grace of life."

From "God's Gift to Man"
"If you are a wife, you were created to fill a need. This is how God created you and it is your purpose for ezisting. You are inferior to none as long as you function within your created nature...You can only realize your womanhood when you are functioning according to your created nature."

"God made you to be a help meet to your husband so you can bolster him, making him more productive and efficient at whatever he chooses to do...If he can trust you, he will make you his closest advisor, his confidante, his press secretary, his head of state, his vice-pres, his ambassador, his public relations expert, and maybe even his sppech writer...It is our job to learn how we can help our husbands in every way possible."

From Chapt 2: "A Merry Heart"
"Who you are is reflected in your face"

"The most effective beauty aid is free---a joyful smile!"

"God's will is for a wife to have a merry heart, a cheerful countenance and a glow that will refresh the most stressed and tired husband on the planet. Bubbling cheer goes a long way to maintain or even restore a marriage. Make a decision right now to break the "poor me" habit. Today, put it down as sin and rebellion, and then tomorrow, wake up with joy in your heart and home."

From Chapt 3: "A Thankful Spirit"
"Thankfulness is how you think; joy is the abundance it produces."

"When you catch yourself becoming irritated or disturbed at circumstances, stop and laugh at the little things that steal your peace."

Chapt 4:"The Gift of Wisdom"
"Women who have difficulties in their marriages usually follow their feelings and just react. But you must stop trusting your hurt responces or the advice you receive from the world...the good news is that God is prepared to give you divine wisdom, just for the asking. James 1:5

"Wisdom is not earned; it is a gift"

She writes..."I never have a chip on my shoulder, no matter how offended I have a right to be---and I do have reasons to be offended regularly. Every day, I remember to view myself as the woman God gave this man. This mind-set helps me to be just that; a gift, a playmate, his helper."

I'm excited at the old things I'm reminded of again! And excited to be approaching 4 years of marriage! It seems like we've been married forever...I say that in a great way~
Have a happy Wednesday!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ten Things I appreciate about Justin:

1. He loves Jesus
2. He has a good sense of humor, and makes me laugh a lot (even if I'm mad)
3. He's not pretentious
4. He has a care and concern for other people
5. He has the gift of encouragement
6. He's a great gift giver (always helps me have good ideas:)
7. He loves people right where they are
8. He's real
9. He helps me reduce self-inflicted stress and reminds me it's ok to say "no" to extra things
10. He goes the extra mile
11. He works hard and provides well for us
12. He wakes up earlier than necessary on occasion to tidy up the house and start some laundry for me
13. He's a very positive person
14. He likes to chat over coffee
16. He helps out with the children...and even gets out of bed during the night, if one is crying
15. He takes me out on dates--yipee!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


If you live in my neck of the woods (hick'sville/rednecktownusa), deer hunting is serious. Very serious. You should've heard the vehicles rumbling into my driveway, past my house, this evening. My husband has spent many Sunday afternoons sighting in his bow, practicing his shots, invested part of our life's savings in some new gear, including this new bow, and has spent hours in a tree stand since October 1st. 4

As of this afternoon, we have a new addition to the mean the freezer. Now I'm not much into deer hunting, except that I enjoy venison in the I suppose it's worth sacrificing hours spent w/ my hubby. Glad he's the one that's willing to freeze his tail off for hours in a breezy tree stand.

[This is a runner up for our Christmas Card photo...except...we may have to have Leah photoshop Madeline into the picture. And more importantly, given the fact that I have not had 5 minutes to apply any makeup all day--those two things will probably put an ax to the Christmas Card idea..Ha!]

I'm afraid hunting will lack some luster after this year, however. Most guys around here get excited about sacking a 8 or 10 point buck. My hubby was granted the chance to shoot a 20 point buck struting along out in some forlorn corner of my Dad's property late this afternoon. Yes, you read that correctly: 20 points, and symmectrical too! With his new Hoyt bow, between two branches up in the particular tree stand, named "The Marriott" (guy lingo for the most comfy hunting stand) The trophy buck weighed around 250 and scored around 193. (that's big stuff, for all you city folks :)

[Lots of future hunters and camo wearers.]

All in all, it's been a good day. My husband will be in cloud 9 for at least 2 weeks. I'm happy for him to be so excited. Kinda cracks me up though. This hunting stuff is serious. Maybe I should try it sometime...maybe when the kids get older. I'm tending more serious things on the homefront in this season of life...

~~Side Note: I enjoyed reading all your comments about what the "news" could be. Funny that several have commented about us expecting again. Just to satisfy your curiousity... I'll just say, I'm not craving sushi or apples and peanut butter. And am not planning to for several years...but, I've said that before too. God seems to delight in rearranging my plans for my life. :)

~Goodnight, all~~
Megan E.


~~~~Some very important, amazing, earth-shattering news coming soon!!!~~~~

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 our house today...

My little helper/watcher while I washed dishes and laundry...Looks like a serious job!

Ahhh....that's my girl~

Lookit all those tickle fingers, trying to get a smile out of the sober little miss :)

Outfit #1 today...didn't last too long, but sure was cute! (thanks Henrys!!)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hippie No Longer

William's new do...

I felt kinda sad...kind of. He looks like a big boy now. :)

Try doing "school" w/ a 3 year old and a 16 month old...ahhhhh! Do crayons really taste that good?

Two Boys and a Princess

Samuel 3, Madeline 3 months, and William 16 months

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Father/Son Camp Pt. 2

Here are some more pictures from the Father/Son Camp Weekend...

Clay Pigeons...

Rifle Range