I am reading a very good book by Sally Clarkson, titled,
"The Mission of Motherhood" She sets forth a fresh, and Biblical, perspective of the important role of motherhood. We, as mothers, have an influence on our children, that no one else has. It is a high calling to be a teacher and nurturer of our children. Despite today's cultural view of motherhood, we have the responsibility to rise up to the challenge and live out God's plan for us. We have the power to influence our children for eternity!
I was reminded and convicted that motherhood is about serving others and laying my desires, plans, and agenda down. There's a chapter titled,
"The Servant Mother"~Mothering with the Heart of Jesus. John 15:13 is the entrance into the chapter, which states:
"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends." Sally Clarkson says that she looks to Jesus' relationship to his disciples for a model for how she is to lead her own "disciples."
John 13 provides a clear picture of the Lord's self-less serving to his disciples. The Lord was able to serve because of his love--He was looking to eternity.
"When we choose to sacrifice our own goals and desires to serve our children, we, too, are furthering His eternal work. We know that, through our labor and love, over time He will faithfully build our children into a righteous heritage. But for this to happen, we must willingly lay our lives down."
In the chapter
,"The Discipling Mother", Sally Clarkson's desire for her children to walk in the truth, rings in my heart also. Justin and I both desire that our Lord will be our children's Lord. Clarkson states this very clearly...
"I don't just want my kids to be moral. I don't just want them to know all of the biblical rules for behavior. I don't just want them to make it through my home with good grades, no drug addiction, and no premarital s--.
I want them to leave my home with a hunger and passion to know God personally and to be used by him to accomplish great things for his kingdom. I want them to personally hear God's voice and hive his Spirit's gentle tough and impression ontheir hearts as they read the Scriptures and struggle with the issues of their lives."So, in conclusion...there's nothing like an encouraging book to be inspired, yet at the same time, convicted! I'd recommend the book to any mother who's in need of a little inspiration.