Good deals always thrill me. This one was no exception. We bought Samuel a new bedroom! A friend of mine was selling her son's bedroom furniture and bedding and gave us 1st dibs to buy it. The furniture is in great shape, good quality--solid and sturdy dark oak, and was a great price! The bedding is adorable--very boyish.
Samuel is thrilled with his new bedroom. Plus, it was perfect timing, since the baby is due anytime. Still don't know whether it's a boy or a girl, but now we have a big boy room, and a nursery for the baby. We may have to redecorate...if baby is a girl. :) That will be fun too!

Samuel stayed up till 10:30 waiting excited for Daddy to finish assembling everything. He has slept 2 nights in his new bed and hasn't fallen out or had to climb in bed with us. He kept saying..."New bed, new bed!" "Thank you, Daddy! Thank you, Mommy!" Wish I would've gotten it on video.

Thanks to Daddy, who was a good sport about putting the bunk beds together.
This is an absolutely adorable post. He has the best expression! It is so genuine.
A bunk bed, how nice! Looks like a good thing to have on hand for the future. :-) We can't wait to meet the new baby and we're still praying for you. - GJ
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