
Clean and fresh! His hair is white and fuzzy on top--maybe he'll be blonde??

Whoa! What a face for Daddy~

William's 1st bath~

Sleeping like a baby.

Mommy, Samuel, and William~
(J and I are looking kinda tired in these pictures..ha! Part of the deal, huh!)
Great post Mrs.Goff!
The pictures are so cute!
How is Samuel doing with being the big brother?
From the pictures he looks like he's enjoying his little bro :)
Thanks for posting,(despite being tired!),we love to see your little guys!
Hi Justin & Megan,
Little William is so cute! Are you enjoying having a newborn around? It's so much fun just to stare at them when they're that little.
Hope all is going well.
God bless,
Congratulations with the birth of your son! May you be richly blessed with patience, wisdom and strength as your raise your boys in God Name!
Meg, enjoy them (as I'm sure you do) for they grow fast. Newborns take lots of adjusting, but it is well worth it.
Cindy, mom to 8 so far (ages 11 - 4 months)
How precious! I can so relate to the comment about being tired when you have a newborn. (And my two kids did not start sleeping through the night until they were each two years old!) In fact, the only issue that keeps my husband and me from trusting the Lord with our family size is that we are afraid we will never sleep again!
Valerie (mommy of 2)
Congratulations on your new son!!! He's so cute!!!!! How does Sam like being a big brother? Congrats again!! - Sunita
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