Sunday, August 12, 2007

She Knows

Becoming a mother added dimensions to my life and heart I never knew existed before. After I gave birth to my first son, not only did my life drastically change, but life suddenly didn't revolve around ME anymore! Having children has increased my joy, deepened my ability to withstand sorrow and pain, strengthened my stamina, heightened my senses, awakened my motherly intuition and deep desire to protect and nurture, and last but most importantly gave me an incredible appreciation for my own Mom.
I've always been grateful to her for raising me and setting a beautiful example of Godly wifehood, motherhood, and womanhood, but not until I became a mother, did I relate with her life. I must add that I still cannot fully relate with her life, because I have only two children, and she has borne seven children over a span of 21 years. I never appreciated completely all the meals, the hours of reading Curious George and Box Car Children, the consistency and creativity of delicious lunchbox lunches, the clean laundry, all the "fun" activities, the tidy house, the excellent education I received, the new shoes, the sleepless nights, the potty training victories and catastrophies, the constant dialogue of teaching, training, and disciplining, the womanly art of multi-tasking, and the mental strain of having so many things to do and little people to care for.
Being a mother doesn't mean you stop being a wife, a friend, a mentor, a daughter, or a sister. You're all this and more! It's actually quite overwhelming at times. You're "adult" life doesn't halt once you become a mother--there are still bills to pay, a husband to love and communicate with, friends to keep friendships with, a quiet time with the Lord to do, and just the small organizational things in life that take time. Learning to juggle all these things is tricky.
I'm so thankful to my Mom for showing me practically how to do and be all this! She's not the type of Mom that sits and cheers from the sidelines. She's been the Mom that runs, races, plays, and learns with her children. She knows what it means to be sleep deprived and still tackle the day with energy and a smile. She knows what it is to have two babies under two years. She knows what it's like not to have time to shower or put make up on! She relates to the frustrations and joys of homeschooling. She knows what it's like to have babies and teenagers. She knows what it is to have a baby who doesn't sleep through the night and plan a wedding. She has been through so many "stages" of her children and knows there is nothing new under the sun. (I was the Queen of Stages)
Thank you, Mom, for knowing, understanding, and relating. You always are standing ready to nurture, to serve, to encourage, and to uphold in prayer. Dad is a rich man because of you, your children are strong and blessed because of you, your sons-in-laws love you, and your grandchildren don't even realize yet what a blessing they're in for to be part of your family.
Thank you, Mom!
~I love you~
Happy Birthday!!
Megan Elizabeth Goff


The Ambrosetti Family said...

Meg, You have so touched my heart by your loving expressions toward your mom. She has blessed me as well,in the short time I have known her. I am sure you will quickly follow in her footsteps and your sweet babies will rise up and call you blessed too.
Have a great day.
Love angie

Test said...

Lovely tribute!

Anonymous said...

Your post brought tears to my eyes! What a beautiful tribute to your mom. She really is a remarkable lady, and I have also been inspired by her on many occasions. Your family is truly blessed by her.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for that post. How encouraging for those of us who do not have a good role model in our life. Please tell her thank you for being a good example, even though I do not know her, though I would love to meet her (and you all).

The Sisson Clan said...

That's the most wonderful gift a mother can receive! -- Mrs. Sisson