Does organizing or cleaning ever thrill you? Funny thing you may not know about me, is that I love to be organized and have a place for everything. I like to get rid of miscellaneous items...clutter seems to clog the internal workings of my brain, or something! I inherited this from my mom and grandmas. So my satisfaction last night was the long past due dusting, organizing, and restocking of my office bookshelf.

I got to your blog from your sister's which I found after enjoying your dvd- "The Eden String Quartet". We really enjoyed watching it. You have a beautiful family. I also love to organize and throw stuff away! In fact while most women tend to shop I tend to clean and declutter! I noticed the time of your were on a mission! :)
Your post has served to motivate me to get to my children's drawers which need to be re-organized for Fall! I also noticed that we both have had new additions. If my Mary had been a boy we would have named her William! She is 2 months old now and little sister to 7. God Bless.
Laura in Va.
I understand completely!!! I LOVE organizing, and I too have brain fog when my home is unorganized. I always joke with my husband that he can't go wrong with gift giving with things like Rubbermaid, organizational magazines and books, bookshelves, closet organizers and such. In fact, I was really excited when he purchased for me the new Sharpie Retractable Marker as an anniversary gift- I love it no caps to remove or lose! Well, he also gave me a beautiful jewelry box but even that falls into the organziation category. I'm glad to hear that there are others like me out there, I guess I am not so weird after all. God Bless
Hey Meg,
I can't believe how big William is getting!!! He looks so chubby getting his bath and I love how the Miller eyes disappear when he smiles. Remember how Therese's eyes used to do that? I can't believe that he has grown out of 0-3 month clothes already! Your organization project looks great! When are you going to come up and see us? You should before it gets too cold to do anything.
Miss you guys,
Hey Krist,
What about this weekend???
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