I'm hardly in any pictures, b/c I'm always the one holding the camera. :) Leah quickly snapped these two when we were outside. A little sunny and I don't know why I didn't have her take it toward the golf course. Would've made a better background. Oh, well. You still get the gist. :)
(26 weeks)

considering how much stuff i was holding,these actually turned out okay. :)
and i think you should explain to everyone why i was wearing dress up clothes while playing piano.
Not long now!
I was wondering about the pink boa! You really look good! Thanks for the update! Olivia
I love your blouse !:D
Megan: I love your top!!! I went shopping for some summer tank tops this weekend after our week of 80 degree weather. I had said that I wasn't going to wear shorts. I am now the proud owner of a pair of mat. shorts! You are looking great! We are on the home stretch!!! Only 80 some more days to go! Tricia
P.S. - at least your child has a name!
aww! you look great Meg! can't wait to see you all!
Ha...in response to Ryan Miller fam's comment...my baby still doesn't have a name either! :( We can't seem to agree on anything! Glad I have a bit longer to go. You do look great...wish I could say the same. I'll try to get someone to snap photos of me. Did u see Eli's finger on our blog? Poor guy! Keep in touch. Miss ya; Micah
Cute! It won't be long before you have a cuddly little bundle.
Megan, I just wanted to tell you that you look so good!! I think 3 kids is a perfect number! I got your blog off of Tricia's, by the way. Leann
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