Tuesday, September 30, 2008


...last week we took a field trip to Lincoln Log Cabin...I remember going (and dressing in period attire) in the 5th grade. I thought it was a blast! (remember, Krist?) **we LOVED playing pioneers till, who knows when...we were probably about 12 and 13...ha!! Anyhoo...it was fun going back and learning some more history. Amazing how people lived back then...very self-sufficient! Nothing like today. I think I'm more dependent on modern conveniences than I even realize. I have no reason to complain and every reason to be content!

I realized as I was looking at the picture...we have children at every age from 7 on down. There's 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0!! (that was fun typing that!) And us Moms...I'll just let ya' guess our ages. *smile*

It's really fun to go when there's lots of historical interpreters acting out the part...they're pretty good!

Madeline looks so much like Justin to me in this picture! (the mouth and chin :)


Take 1...and Take 2: Samuel's Scripture Verse

Madeline...at 7 weeks

The many faces of Madeline...

Like it??

Hey, here's my cool strawberry hat that Auntie Krista made me. It was perfect for today, since it was kinda chilly out this morning. Thanks Auntie K!! Gracie and I can match now!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Taffy Apple Salad

I was just reminded of a fall-time treat...Taffy Apple Salad! I'm making my fast, "mock" TAS right now for a little snack:

Vanilla Yogurt
Diced apples
Chopped walnuts
Cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves to taste

Mix up and enjoy! It's actually a good alternative, if you have a taste for it, but don't have the time. Or, at least I think it is. :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

He Says "Bye Bye"!!

Update on the Kiddos

To all you Aunties, Uncles, Cousins, Grandmas, and Grandpas who live far away...here's an update. When I get a few spare minutes, I'll try and upload more of our family pictures.
This is what the boys are excited about these days!
Who wouldn't be excited to ride around in the combine w/ Papa Chris?!

William loving Madeline...

Mr. Cheerful enjoying his apple in the baby seat

All dressed up w/ her 1st pair of jeans and a hair clippy. It still makes me laugh to think that Justin has a lil' girl. Too fun!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008


HoneyBees and HandMaidens

Today I had 2 little angels at my house...in the form of 2 of my sisters. They popped over for a few hours this morning to help me. My Mom has done a wonderful job of teaching all of us girls how to run a home, organize, clean, and cook. Today I was the recipient of that training!

Therese tackled the grubby high chair and the fridge. Now that's true sisterly love! She also did a major tidy up all through the house and folded 3 loads of laundry. While she was doing this I fed the baby, did more laundry, and read to the kids. Eva had fun playing with and entertaining the boys.

Right after Madeline joined the family, Justin told me that I needed a "hand maiden" just like the Proverbs 31 woman. I couldn't have agreed more! I still think it's a great idea. Just a duplicate of me, you know...Someone to cook, clean, and do laundry. That way I can tend to my children, play outside, do "school" and not finish those things and have all that housework staring me in the face. Hmmm...sounds like a good idea! Usually it's a "good" day if the laundry is done and supper is on the table. All that "extra" stuff falls by the wayside, compared to teaching and training my little guys! I've had to lower my standards a lot in terms of a clean house. (that's hard for me, since I'm a type A++ person--ha!) When I was newly married, my house was very clean! Now I'm satisfied w/ a tidy house. I have to remind myself that my children are more important than immaculate floors and dust-free furniture. Justin reminds me..."Where there are no oxen the crib is clean"

Thanks T and E for helping me today. It was a big blessing. You two reminded me of the chapter Justin and I are memorizing:
"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not everyman on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Apple Adventures

I really enjoy the pace of life where we live. We're somewhat removed from the hustle-bustle of city life. The air is fresh, we see deer everyday, hear the coyotes and see the stars at night! I have to remind myself that there are redeeming qualities, despite the fact that I have to drive 30-60 miles to get to a Walmart or Meijer. This week's country life project: APPLES! My parent's slow trees are finally starting to produce. Good thing we didn't give them the 7 year deal! My Mom and I were driving Justin's F250 w/ our old couch in the back, 5 kids in the back seat, an apple picking ladder and lots of laundry baskets. Do you get the mental picture?? [Think hillbillies] Justin's truck is big and just has a VA-ROOM quality when you drive it. Must be why guys like those kind of trucks...big, loud and powerful. There was just something hilarious about us. Mom and I started cracking up. I think the kids were oblivious. Well, hopefully they were! Aparently we looked funny enough for my Grandma to come running out of the house cracking up at us. We invited her to sit in the middle seat and go w/ us, but unfortunately she declined. Hum, wonder why? The helpers...Samuel, Isaac, Eva, and William SNVM5efS3zI/AAAAAAAADPI/cgtYiJlCA54/s200/IMG_0252.JPG" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5248185491090759474" /> Samuel and I made two big kettles of applesauce, an apple crisp, and lots of big ziplocks of apple pie filling for the freezer. Here we are workin' away. He loved the apple peeling gaget. Fun way to get him to "work"! ...and by the way, it's for sale... ...time for our beloved Gas Guzzler to go...