Sunday, September 07, 2008

Gentleness 101

In the past week, I've come across various people who have been frustrated with their children, or should I say, frustrated with their responses to their children. One of those people is me. Another is an acquaintance who posted her frustrations on her blog. And as Justin and I were visiting with the other people in our Sunday School class this morning, I realized that we were relating well in regards to the challenges of parenting. We weren't complaining, or commiserating necessarily, just stating the "real life" stuff of what happens when you have young children. I'll be the first one to admit that being a parent is not always easy...physically, emotionally, or mentally! Yet, I was looking for a chance to pop in a positive note to the conversation. That chance never happened. On the way out, I was talking to Justin about the tone of our brief fellowship w/ everyone in the class. I think I mentioned something to him about the negatives communicated, but I was telling him...Yeah, parenting is hard, but yet God is trying to get increase in all of our lives. He does that through our circumstances and our relationships. That's positive, though! Someone asked me recently, "How do we learn patience unless we practice it?" In the midst of teaching and training our children, God is doing a deeper work in us and teaching US lessons, as well. (we just have to recognize that:)

Several different instances this past week, have brought to mind what I've been reading and meditating on in Philippians. This verse: "Let your gentleness be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand." really struck a chord with me. I really want to be gentle...especially a gentle mother. Not a softie or a pushover, but a soft-spoken, patient, kind nurturer to my children. It reminds me of the adjective, constancy. Always gentle and consistent, not quick to retort, get upset or angry, and not stressed out. I've realized in the past 4 weeks, how that verse does not describe me. Instance after instance I've not responded w/ gentleness toward my children. Don't get me wrong, we've been having some great times since Little Miss joined the family, but many times throughout my day, it seems like all my babies need me at once. That's life though, eh?! I'm learning that I'm in great need of God's grace to respond rightly. God gets glory when we rely and cry out for His grace, rather than trying to "manage" in our own strength. I want my gentleness to be know by the "men" closest to own husband and children. The next sentence, "The Lord is at hand" reminded me to be gentle...because God is watching, also! Kinda puts the exclamation point on that verse.

Last but, probably more importantly, I want to remember the JOY in the training and nurturing of my children. Time goes so quickly and soon they'll be all grown up. I want to be joyful with my children and let them see me delight in them. Even through fatigue and trying moments, I can remember to let the joy of the Lord, be my strength! "Rejoice in the Lord, always, and again I say, Rejoice!"

...Just some of the things I've been learning and thinking about this past week...And I'm going to try to remember to let the hard things be teachers instead of a reason to complain.



Ryan Miller Fam said...

Thank you for posting this! I love that verse. I have copied it down. Yes, even though there are happy times... it seems like I am not as gentle as I want to be or kind. In the hectic moments of trying to get somewhere, I become stressed and then my voice does not sound like I want it to or say things that I am proud of. Time does fly - I still can't believe my first baby will be 11 in a few short months!

T said...

Great perspective. I love when other moms are honest...the ones that always portray to have it all together only leave me feeling like something must be wrong with me. Reality- we all sin and fall short and we are all in need of more grace. God Bless, Tami

Test said...

Thanks for your honesty! We've all been there. Now I never had three so close, but I remember when Miles and Luke were younger (doesn't happen as much anymore), but they'd both scream for my attention. There were a couple of times I'd just yell right along with them! Not very productive, but felt good!

The other day I was frustrated with Miles not listening to me and I said something like, "UGH! Just get in the van!" He said, "Mommy will you be nice?" Ouch! But I went on to say I was sorry, but that he needs to obey me.

Yes, there is much joy!

Gretchen said...

I'm glad God put you and Justin here like "sharpening iron" as we walk through this season of life! Thanks for your thoughts. - GJ

Vanderpolclan said...

Thank you for being honest and transparent. Some encouragement for you - I have been praying for years - literaly daily for years - for the Lord to work in me a meek and quiet spirit, as it is so against my genes. The other day, someone commented to me that a meek and quiet spirit is what they thought of when they thought of me - how thankful I was for the Lord's work in me, for it was not on my own strength. I still have a long way to go to keep my voice gentle, but knowing how far the Lord has brought me is encouraging. You are also at a very busy time in your life where there are many demands made of you by the little ones each day. Keep learning and leaning on Him.

Cindy in Canada

Anonymous said...

Awesome post Meg. Thanks so much for sharing. It is a reminder that we moms need to hear again and again no matter what age we are! :)
Laura in Va.