Today Justin and I are celebrating 4 happy years of marriage. It seems like a long time, since a lot has transpired since then. Our story begins several years prior to December 4th, 2004. I believe it began when I read a highly recommended book titled, “When God Writes Your Love Story” It wasn’t a how-to courtship book, but rather cast a vision for allowing God to script the story of your life, handing the pen to Him, and allowing God to lead you to your future spouse, without dating around.
In the book, Leslie Ludy encouraged young women to “prepare” for their future husbands NOW! First, by educating yourself and equipping yourself to be a good help-meet to someone, secondly, by keeping yourself pure, and lastly, praying for your future spouse BEFORE you ever meet them!
I’m not sure when I officially met Justin. I’d seen him a few times because he was a friend of a friend. I remember him coming to church several times w/ a married couple. He then got ready to deploy to Bosnia w/ the U.S. Army. My Mom encouraged me to tell him goodbye after church the last Sunday he was there, but I was too shy, and plus, I’d never actually been introduced to him. I just knew him as “Brad’s Friend.” Our family was given his email address and asked to write Justin, the lonely soldier in Bosnia. So that’s what we did! It was a family thing and everyone wrote him. After a few months of sharing emails, Krista was a little miffed when she would write him a letter, and he would return it w/ a “Dear Megan” email. She said, “I think he likes you, Meg.” He came home on leave in January of 2001. We went out for pizza w/ him and some friends. He was a nice guy and I kinda liked him, but I wanted to guard my heart. I didn’t know him at all, and wanted to be careful. At the same time, I kept trying to squash the little thought that kept popping up in my head that said, “You’re going to marry that guy someday!” When we were out for pizza, Justin found out that I was only 17...he says it freaked him out, a little, since he thought I was at least 20! He also accidentally poured a pitcher of pop in my lap while trying to refill my glass. *grin*
We continued to email just as friends on the family email account, no big deal. *smile* He came home in April to a crossroads in his life. The Lord had begun an amazing work in his life. The Bosnia trip had given him a good airing out from his previous friends and lifestyle. He decided to move to Oakland and live w/ an old buddy. The same buddy that he had lived on the wild side with, and also the guy that lead him to Christ. So Justin moved in w/ Brad and his wife, Elisha. My Dad also gave him some part-time work on the farm. During those summer months, my Dad really came alongside to disciple and encourage Justin. While my Dad and Justin were working on Dad’s Job Creation Project: tearing down an old corn crib, it was then, Justin popped a hypothetical question to my Dad. He asked, “So what would to say to someone if they wanted to date your daughter? My Dad had his back turned to Justin, and was smirking as he answered, “I’d tell him to pray about it for a year and then come back and ask me again.” End of conversation.
As for me, I graduated high school that spring and started college at U of I as a viola performance major. Life was busy! My first semester at college, my little brother, Isaac, was born. I was commuting, trying to stay up w/ all the course work, and noticing my growing interest in this guy, Justin.
In December 2001, we had the “Cabin Talk.” My parents, Justin, and I met at the cabin to chat about the direction of Justin and my relationship. We were in that awkward stage of “more than a friend, less than a lover.” We concluded that we believed God was leading us to get married someday. However, that seemed like a long way off. Both of us simply were not ready to get married at that point. My Dad told Justin that he wanted 3 promises from a future son-in-law. He needed to be able to
1. Provide
2. Protect
3. Please
He told Justin that he was positive #2 and 3 were in place, but that he needed to work on #1...providing. In other words, YOU NEED A JOB, BUDDY! Dad and Mom also told us that they wanted to be involved in our relationship and wanted to help us make it successfully to the marriage alter. So Justin and I concentrated on what was set before us…school!
In February of 2003, Justin got the papers that he was going to be deploying to Afghanistan. At that time, he was going to school during the day and working for UPS at night. I remember how grueling his schedule was…he was so tired! Some of our dates, I remember feeling so bad because he almost fell asleep while we were eating. We were wondering how much longer it would be before we could get married. It seemed like here was another set back, since deployments were running a year to a year and a half! Little did we know how God would use that deployment for good in each of us individually, as well as us, as a couple. We both had more maturing to do and more lessons to learn.
Justin was at Ft. McCoy, WI for 4 months, waiting, and waiting. (That’s what you do in the military, hurry up and wait!) Finally in June, he left for Afghanistan. I decided to really buckle down w/ my studies so I could be finished by the time he got home. It was attainable, so I got busy! Studying, tests, lessons, master classes, rehearsals, teaching students and performances consumed all of my time.
While Justin was in Afganistan, my family and I started fixing up my Grandpa’s old farmhouse. It was owned by several other people through the years, and had been abandoned. It was in dire need of repair. My Grandparents bought it to bulldoze, actually. We were able to talk them into letting us buy it and fix it up, since the frame of the house was solid. So, that little “fixer upper” was gutted. It took us two years to completely finish. And, wow, I had no idea what “gutting” meant. After several dumpsters full of trash were cleaned out of it, then it was really time to get to work.
The long distance relationship we were forced into having was a blessing in disguise. As Justin says, it certainly helped out in the purity department! We also learned to communicate better. We talked on the phone (despite the annoying delay and echo), emailed, and best of all, snail mailed. It was a time of completely trusting the Lord and waiting on His perfect timing. We learned what it means to be patient and prayerful. During his time overseas, Justin had also started praying that the Lord would provide a good job for him when he got back to the States. One good enough so that I could stay home w/ our future family.
My littlest sister, Evangeline, was born in March of 2004. I did graduate in 3 years w/ my undergrad degree that May. Justin arrived home in the end of April. I was very busy (and stressed-out) finishing up with finals. He proposed to me on his 27th birthday, May 8th, 2004. It was a happy day! Hope at last! “Hope deferred maketh the heart sick; but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12
Also in May, Justin was offered a job from a construction company that he had interned w/ a few summers prior. They told him that a supervisor position was open and that they would count his military experience and his partially finished civil engineering degree enough for the position! We set our wedding date for December 4th, 2004, since it was after harvest and gave enough time for our house to be remodeled.
December finally rolled around and we were happily married in front of 300 family, friends, and guests. We decided not to kiss before our wedding day. It was a little nerve-racking standing in front of that many people to kiss for the first time. *smile* There was a dessert reception afterward, and people said it was delicious. We didn't eat anything, we were so busy talking and smiling for pictures. Justin planned a week-long honeymoon in Mexico and we came home to our lovely newly rebuilt home. It amazed me, even that first week, how much I had to learn about my new hubby! I thought I knew him so well. The thing I was amazed with that first week, was how goofy and hilarious Justin is. He hid it well, before we were married. I suppose there were too many Millers around to just be himself, or something. He still makes me laugh really hard, at least once a week.
We had big plans to travel and wait about two years before starting a family. However, God had different plans for us. Since then, we’ve happily welcomed Samuel Justice (Aug. 05), William Noble (July 07) and Madeline Hope (Aug. 08)
It’s amazing to me the work that God can do in 4 years of marriage. We’ve both realized that we cannot change each other…only God can. So, instead of nagging and playing the cold-shoulder game, we’re learning to commit one another and our annoying habits/character issues to prayer. The results are amazing. God can take two type A, oldest-child-type people and allow them to have a glorious, godly marriage. The honeymoon is over, but our love is stronger now. It’s a bit more seasoned, realistic, and mature. Love isn’t always the exciting and thrilling, it’s sacrifical, it's about laying your life down for the other. Saying no to self and letting go. Justin and I both agree that marriage gets better with age. I only thought I loved him then. Somehow amidst the stressors, like close pregnancies, bills, new babies, and plain ol' CHANGE, we’ve grown closer and our love has matured. We may not be as wild and crazy as we were when we were first married, but our love for each other has deepened. We’re best friends. We like being together. Yes, we have conflicts and differences and our marriage has taken work, and we’re still a work in progress, but I’m so thankful that God has blessed me with such a wonderful husband!!!
So there's Our Story, in a nutshell. Writing it out has brought back all those memories again. It seems like a lifetime ago, for some reason. Here were my promises during those days...
"Trust in the Lord, and do good...Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday. Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him..." Psalm 37
~~~~Looking forward to the next 4 years!~~~~

Just for's our celebratory pictres from the past 4 years:



How fun to read through your story guys. Isn't it amazing to look back at God's wise leading? I loved the pictures from now and then! Happy anniversary, and may the Lord continue to bless your ever-deepening love! - GJ & KP
Congrats! Thank you so much for sharing your story and your testimony. You continue to inspire me, and I pray for your continued walk with God--with your husband and beautiful children.
Congrats! Thank you so much for sharing your story and your testimony. You continue to inspire me, and I pray for your continued walk with God--with your husband and beautiful children.
I loved reading this! Isn't it fun to relive the memories! Makes us feel so romantic towards our husband, doesn't it!? At least it did for me when I blogged our story last Feb.
Have a wonderful anniversay and many more God focused years ahead!
Happy Anniversary Meg and Justin. Wow, I can't believe it was 4 years and 3 kids ago! I haven't seen your wedding pictures in forever. We'll have to get them out when we're down for Christmas. See you soon!
Meg - this story just touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. I always wondered about the 'whole' story of you and Lil' bro J.
This is the kind of love story and marriage all mothers/fathers wish for their children.
The Lord blessed our family by bringing you to J. I also got the perk of having two handsome nephews,a beautiful niece, and a wonderful woman to call my sister!
Happy Anniversary and many more!
Love Big Sis Becky
Awww...happy anniversary meg and two favorite people =)
~qp---i put that on b/cause nobody will know what it stands for lol!
Thanks for the great & uplifting post, Meg! And Happy Anniversary to you and Justin!! I agree with you that marriage gets better and better - we just celebrated our 3rd anniv. and have baby #3 due in March. Talk about God having plans that are not our own!! How good to know we can trust Him. Blessings to you and your family. Love your blog!
megan! i didn't ever stop to figure out today's date, but when i was at cello choir today, barbara hedlund asked me how my sister was...the sister whose wedding she played for. and it made me remember that today was december 4th!
haha, remember how tired we were the thursday night before? i can't believe that i was only 16 (i thought i was SO old) and that four years have passed...that's crazy!
anyway, congratulations!!
Hey Meg,
Very sweet and a blessing of a story!! Congrats to the whole family on your anniversary with many, many more terrific years to come!
Congrats Congrats Congrats!!! So happy to be friends w/ the both of you. May God continue to guide your footsteps as you seek His will for your next four years! Hugs; Micah
Congrats with your anniversary. What a testimony you have. It would be great to hear your mom and dad's side, and how they encouraged you and came along side you. Maybe they can be persuaded to write a book to parents on courtship and the how and whys. Just a thought. Thanks again for the great and enouraging blog, Megan.
Cindy in Canada
Thank you so much for sharing your story! I was the girl who left a comment on one of your posts several months ago asking if you might would share your love story some time, and I am so encouraged by reading it! As a single girl trusting the Lord to script my love story in His timing, it is such a blessing to read of His faithfulness in your life. Happy Anniversary, and thank you for your example!
Hi Megan,
Happy Anniversary a few days late! I enjoyed reading your story. It reminds me of when we were courting/engaged. It's fun to look back and amazing to see how fast life changes!
~ Amy
Happy Anniversary! What a great post to read!
I've been waiting for your story- thanks! I'm going to print it out and read it to my teenage sons. What an encouragement to see that there still are those who wait on the Lord!
Dear Goff Family
I have been visiting 'The Millers' blog for about a year now. Yours is such a beautiful family.
It is wonderful to see young people having children to raise for GOD and not refusing His reward.
You know, something that testifies to how much your whole family loves the Body of Christ and His creation are all the people of different shades and colours splashed right across your blog.
Almost like a preview of Heaven.Wow.
Be blessed.
Now that's a love story worth writing about! I cannot tell you how blessed I was, as a single Christian female who has also read When God Writes Your Love Story, when I read it. It's an encouragement to read courtship success stories that are built on the Lord. Congratulations to you both for these past 4 years and the many years to follow!
~Sarah (an ESQ fan)
What a beautiful story ... it amazes me while we wait on the Lord and His leading, His plans are so perfect, that though at the moment we see it not, years later seem like a perfectly conducted orchestra ...
Congratulations!!! And may the Lord add many more years to that maturing love!
~Jasmine & baby.
That is a really encouraging story of about your love and commitment to purity. Your blog reaches so many people through your testimony about Jesus Christ. Take Care & Congratulations, may God bless you with many years together to come!
Thanks so much for sharing your story. I always love hearing about the unique ways that God works!
I love your story! What a blessing for my girls to read. I bought that same book for my girls. Your family is so sweet!
Hello Megan. Like has been super busy for me since about October with lots of travel and activity, so I'm just getting around to catching up on a few blogs that I enjoy reading (yours being one).
Thank you for posting the tale of your journey with Justin. What a joy it is to see how the Lord works out His will in His timing. It really ministered to me today in a special way...perhaps I'll be able to share more later down the road. =)
May the Lord richly bless you both in the coming years, and continue to draw you closer to Himself.
Love and Hugs,
Amber Moeller
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