~Oh, just some things I've been re-reading and reminded of...
"The world is a powerful, unrelenting undertow, pulling children to destruction. Looking at statistics alone, the probability is overwhelmingly against their moral survival. The training parents give and the wisdom they impart can make all the difference in their outcome. You hold an eternal soul in your hands. You cannot afford to give in to weariness, indifference, laziness, or careless neglect. God chose you two as the parents of these children!"

"Fathers and Mothers, you are the window through which your young child understands God. A child learns the character of God by observing it in his parents. Parents don't have the be perfect; just be a balanced representation of God's personality."
"...As the child relates to the figurehead of parental authority, in like manner he will later be prone to relate to God. If parents allow their commands to be treated lightly, the child will take the commandments of God lightly also."

"...those disciplined to lovingly obey their earthly fathers are more ready to obey their Heavenly Father."
Tying Strings:
~First and foremost, look at your children with pleasure, and smile at them. Bathe them in facial expressions of pleasure adn satisfaction.
~Enjoy their company, and demonstrate it by inviting them to go w/ you when the only reason is a desire to have them with you. For the very young, look at pictures or read a book together."
~Sit on the floor and play. Tumble and roll, laugh and tickle.
~Take them on outings of adventure, excitement, and "danger"
~If they can walk, they can carry in groceries. Brag on their achievements.
The idea is for them to feel that they are very special to you, and for them to know that you find great satisfaction and delight in sharing with them. If you order your life so your children feel needed, they will desire to walk in harmony with you."

I just wanted to thank you for your great posts. We as moms have such an important job!
Your children are precious! Keep up the good work!
For His glory,
Very well put, I need to read that from time to time when I lose focus. What book are you reading? I want to read ...ahh stink it just escaped me. Hmmm...we will talk later.
Great reminder Megan. Thanks again.
Madeline is growing sooo much. She looks like she is a real sweetie.
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