We've been enjoying our time together as a family, since Justin has had a very hectic work schedule. He's been working long days and most Saturdays. Here are a few snapshots from this weekend...

Daddy and his boys right before family devotions.

Reading time

William at 1 1/2 weeks

I like to see guys try to multi-task...this is what us gals do all day, right?! Just throw in a telephone and laundry folding too.
Dear Justin and Megan,
It is such a joy to witness the two of you seeking to honor our Lord in your home. You are wonderful parents and I thank God for you and the example you are to others, including our family.
Hey Meg and Justin-
Aaaawwwwww...I feel like I'm missing out :) I'm suffering from major baby-withdrawl syndrome since I'm no longer around the little kids, your babies or taking care of little ones at the hospital! We're going to have to come down to visit soon so I can get my baby fix in again!
Love, K~
P.S. Tell Samuel I said hi!!
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