Therese tackled the grubby high chair and the fridge. Now that's true sisterly love! She also did a major tidy up all through the house and folded 3 loads of laundry. While she was doing this I fed the baby, did more laundry, and read to the kids. Eva had fun playing with and entertaining the boys.
Right after Madeline joined the family, Justin told me that I needed a "hand maiden" just like the Proverbs 31 woman. I couldn't have agreed more! I still think it's a great idea. Just a duplicate of me, you know...Someone to cook, clean, and do laundry. That way I can tend to my children, play outside, do "school" and not finish those things and have all that housework staring me in the face. Hmmm...sounds like a good idea! Usually it's a "good" day if the laundry is done and supper is on the table. All that "extra" stuff falls by the wayside, compared to teaching and training my little guys! I've had to lower my standards a lot in terms of a clean house. (that's hard for me, since I'm a type A++ person--ha!) When I was newly married, my house was very clean! Now I'm satisfied w/ a tidy house. I have to remind myself that my children are more important than immaculate floors and dust-free furniture. Justin reminds me..."Where there are no oxen the crib is clean"
Thanks T and E for helping me today. It was a big blessing. You two reminded me of the chapter Justin and I are memorizing:
"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not everyman on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."
Hey Meg,
The post is so sweet of you to write about your sisters. I "was" the same way, walking around on Jim's heels cleaning, picking up, etc. I gave that all up a long time ago after the 2nd child was born and still managing to work a home job 8+ hours a day on top of the housework, school work, etc., etc. Love the post!! Wanna loan me a sister for a couple of hours? LOL
Hey: Do you think Therese would want to be my sister?? I'm so happy for you that you have sisters to help you. I bet the boys enjoyed Eva coming over to play. Have a great day! Tricia
What a tremendous blessing to live close to your family!
It's encouraging to be reminded to keep our eyes on the eternal priorities.
I'm with you Megan! I'm learning to let go the the endless to do list and enjoy playing with my kids and spending time with my husband. It has helped to take the pressure off myself to maintain unrealistic expectations and work load. (But it would be nice to have a live-in housekeeper to pick up the slack, eh?) By the way, the grahams are great. Brent says they're better than store-bought ones. Thanks for the recipe. :) sarah
What encouragement for future generations!
Thanks for posting that. What a blessing family is.
I am soooo jealous of your family! Wow, what wonderful sisters and awesome parents who trained them! Tami
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