Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Life can be humdrum...but that's what makes life, life! It's enjoying the little moments as a family. It's enjoying the outdoors: the sights, sounds, and free. It's actually a simple life, free of constant chatter and flashing images. Somewhat slower paced, but refreshing!

We want Samuel to grow up to enjoy the simple things in life...especially God's creation. We desire for him to grow up working along side us--Dad and Mom. So that's what we were doing together yesterday. Justin was working on our yard enlargement project. We've actually double the size of our yard by taking out an unused pasture behind our house. Soon we are going to move the garden and swing set back farther. I can just imagine how much fun the kids will have playing outside! Justin snapped a few pictures of Samuel helping me in the kitchen. It's becoming a pattern everyday for Samuel to "help" with the dishes. Maybe before long I'll have a full-time dishwasher named Samuel!

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