Friday, February 20, 2009

Makin' some friends...

It is not my intent to use our family blog for controversial issues, however, since I have opened a can of worms & accidentally lit some people's hair on fire by posting the quote below, I will attempt an explanation.

Our beliefs do line up with the quote I posted, hence our plan to homeschool our children. I merely thought the quote, stretching and thought-provoking. Also, I thought that I should clarify that the quote is pointing toward the philosophies and ideologies of the public school SYSTEM. If you read the quote, in context, it, in no way, slams the individuals who are IN public school.

If you disagree with the quote, that's fine. I believe we can lovingly agree to disagree. Aparently sticking to mundane subjects like laundry and diaper changes, soothes the palate a little better. ;)

--Just an lil' housewife lookin' to add some spice to life--


T said...

Truth hurts doesn't it? I find it funny that people can be so easily offended. Besides the fact that public schools are indocrinating children, they are a mess. There are many well-meaning "Christian" teachers but for the most part they have their hands tied. There is a definite agenda and it is completely void of God. Everyone knows that there are formative years in a child's life; who's shaping and molding that child during those precious years? For those who have no other choice, my heart goes out to them, but truth is truth. Don't feel the need to explain yourself. And yes, most people want to stick to mundane topics like the weather and laundry- yawn! ~Tami

Anonymous said...

I love the quote and agree with it 100%. If you believe the Bible, Christians were never meant to give up their children to someone else to teach/train- particularly in a secular environment. Anyway, I love a little lively discussion!

Liv said...

I though it was great. I don't know one teen that has or is growing up in a Christian home and went to public school and still kept their beliefs and morals. Not saying that all homeschoolers do either. I've been homeschooled all of my life and wouldn't change it for highschool drama!

Anonymous said...

Great quote and great discussion! I would agree that it is wholly the parent's responsibility to educate their children. Some parent's however may not be able or equipped to homeschool their children, so it makes sense to get the necessary help and combine efforts in a school setting. However, just sending them to school without involvement is fleeing responsibility. I love the idea of vouchers for private schools for this reason. Unfortunately, the public school setting CAN BE more detrimental to the upbringing of children than it is helpful. But with all that said, we DESPERATELY NEED Christian workers in the public schools to provide that positive influence to those children who may not get it anywhere else. I believe everyone on this blog would agree with me that we appreciate the service of Christian educators in the public school system. But the overwhelming current of thought in public education leads to tolerance, political correctness, and relative truths...all of which are 100% contrary to Biblical teaching. It is a result of the fallen world we live in, and we will have to deal with that until Jesus' return!

Anonymous said...


Very good, encouraging & balanced comment!!! Glad someone mentioned those things.

Mrs. L

BH said...

I believe that the choice of education is very important and should be up to the parents. I went to public school for my entire elementary and high school education and I am still a Christian and did not fall away from my beliefs. Though it was a difficult environment, I believe that the Lord worked in my life through the issues and struggles I encountered during that period of my life. The Lord can work in and through any situation. I learned how to defend my beliefs and deal with being different from those around me not only in regards to my faith, but also in regards to my cultural and extracurricular activities. Also, even if parents are not homeschooling their children, that does not mean that they don't or can't take an active interest in their children's education. Homeschooling is a wonderful thing, and I am glad that we have the freedom to engage in that choice, but other forms of education are also valid.

P.S. Keep prodding and be bold. :-)


Anonymous said...

Great post (both of them). Being homeschooled doesn't mean I have anything against those who teach or go to a public school, it means thar this is personally where God has lead our family.=^)


Kimberly said...

Hey Meg, you do not know me, but I read your blog faithfully! On the subject of public schools and homeschooling, I have been down both roads and can tell you with a clear conscience that your quote is right, government education is atrocious! My oldest son went to public school from preschool to 4th grade, then I homeschooled him because he was completely getting brainwashed in the area of evolution and sex, etc. We now choose to put all three of our sons in a parent run, small, christian school that has had ahuge impact on their lives.I myself went all the way through in public schools, but I definitely am not a supporter of them! God has called you to homeschool, be obedient, and stand up for your beliefs!

Anonymous said...

To parents of public, private, and homeschooled students:

Pray with and for your children every day!

Read the Bible together and get excited about what it reveals! Show them that it applies to us.

Help them memorize scripture!

Turn the television off and leave the computer and enjoy life together!

Remind them that " Life is not about me" but about
God and His will in our lives and on earth.

Demonstrate love and service to others. Start with your marriage, your family, church and the community.

Enjoy God's creation together and laugh a lot!!!

Keep your head on a swivel..." ...your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." Yes, and that includes our precious children!