Thursday, February 19, 2009

Quote of the day...

I just read this on Vision Forum/Doug's Blog...

"If you believe that education is neutral; that it is the role of the state to train and disciple our children; that the youth culture of the modern school is healthy for children; and that the children of Christian parents should be immersed in the religious worldview of evolutionism, secularism, and humanism; then government education may be a very viable option for you.

For those of us who reject the above presuppositions, government education is not merely a disaster — a testimony to much of what is wrong with modern America — but in its foundations, methodologies, and track-record, it represents the antithesis of the biblical vision for education. This is why we firmly believe that parents who are serious about raising up a Christ-honoring generation of biblically-minded Christians will flee government education."

Hmmm...some food for thought.


annwalt said...

Justin and Megan,
Uncle Jim and I just read your recent blog. I must tell you that as a professional educator employed in the public school system I, as many of my coworkers, have never once abadoned my Christian values and principals in my daily work. I feel for you to make such strong accusations and generalizations about a group of professional people is terribly unchristian. In the world we live, there are good and bad people in every walk of life; even some who have chosen to home school. I have seen enough home-schooled children reenter the public school system screwed up because of their poor education and home-like setting. However, I would never generalize that to be the majority of those parents who chose that. I don't find it in me to look and judge others.
Please remember that the majority of our society sends their children to public education and are completly satifisied. Keep in mind too, our children were of that group.
There are many excellent "government" school systems with very high standards outside of the Oakland area.
Lastly, remember when you blog these types of comments, a larger audience views them and may find them extremely offensive.

Aunt Ann

Unknown said...

well i don't know who got their panties in a bunch over this, but I think it hits the proverbial nail on the head. ;)

Elizabeth Sue said...

We don't know each other in "real life", I just read your blog. But my mother taught in public school for 17 years. When my daughter was six weeks old, she approached me about the subject of homeschooling and was 100% supportive that my husband and I seek homeschooling our daughter and any future kiddos God would give us. I know homeschooling is a hot button issue but, it does make one think when a Mom who was teacher asks her daughter if she would consider homeschooling her grand kids....My mom left the school system and retired early when she was asked to teach kids about alternative lifestyles...(Two "Dads" if you know what I mean.) My Mom was an amazing teacher who loved and prayed for all of those kids she taught for years. I am proud of her and I don't resent my parents for sending my brother and I to public school. BUT, I am and will continue to teach my kid(S). Let that speak for itself.
Keep up the great blogging. :)

Anonymous said...


Great quote. We homeschool our kids (ages 4 and 5, and I guess the one in utero counts too!). My parents are retired public school teachers. I would no more send my kids to school, public or Christian, than I would send them out to play in the middle of the street. One only has to watch the news to be reminded of the 101 reasons why we should homeschool. (Besides this being a Biblical mandate - to teach our children when we rise up, when we walk by the way, etc.) NEVER apologize or compromise when it comes to your values and what God leads you and your husband to do for your children. I just watched the latest DVD from Michael Pearl, about raising kids to keep them from "jumping ship". He said that parents who send their kids to public school are either abusive, or incredibly dumb. His words, not mine.
