Monday, March 09, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Today is my baby sister's 5th birthday! I was 21 and finishing my last semester of college when she was born, late on March 9th. All of us girls were in the delivery room + my dad. We got a good laugh when we found out that all the nurses decided my Dad was a lawyer. He had rushed Mom up to the hospital and was still in dress clothes, from a seed corn luncheon. He does look pretty dapper in all the pictures. :) Evangeline was a chubby, round faced 8 pounder.

Eva is named after two great-grandmas: Eva Miller and Rose Marthaler. She's the caboose on the end of the family and definitely the exclamation point. I've seen a huge change in her the past year. She's definitely calmer and has learned how to handle her frustrations: by communicating. :)

She and Justin became best buds after the infamous Lasagna Plate Throwing Night. Now she will eat lasagna, no questions asked, w/ a smile and her bro-in-law. And, don't think she'll ever try that one again.

Eva's all girl. She loves to paint her nails, and even got a manicure for her 5th birthday. (the bonus to having older sisters) She loves to sing loudly and make up the words. She reads fluently and is raising our eyebrows w/ her ability on the piano. (guess that Mozart Effect has some truth to it, huh?)

At the tender age of 18 months, Eva became an Aunt. She actually takes her position very seriously, though I don't think she really thinks of herself as an Aunt. Maybe more like "cousins." She, Samuel and I-man are the 3 musketeers. She's also a very good policewoman, when it comes to making sure Samuel and William tow the line. She's a fun auntie, and will have fun introducing her lil' neices to dolls, house, and dress-up soon!

We're so glad you're in our family, Evangeline! Life would definitly have been pretty boring and sleepful w/ out you. :)

Happy, Happy Birthday!
Justin and Megan
Samuel, William, and Madeline


Anonymous said...

Awww...Eva, Happy Birthday!! I'm hurrying home from school so I can help you celebrate some more tonight!!! I heard we're having pancakes & waffles--Good choice E-V-A =)

I'll even jump on the trampoline with you this afternoon!

love, therese

Liv said...

Happy 5th Birthday Eva!!!

She makes the 4th person I know of born on March 9th!

Abigail and Lydia said...

Happy Birthday Eva! Great pictures!

Precious ordinary moments said...

Megan, what a beautiful eulogy to your sister ~ It has warmed my heart!

Anonymous said...

Aww, she's cute! : )
Hey, I was wondering what's up with your infant potty training thing?? I'm on #5 and wow that's a new one on me!!

~Justin&Meg~ said...

Hi Nan,

you can email me at and I can give you more info.
