Thursday, March 05, 2009

An update of sorts

I've been bad at taking pictures since our Florida trip...I suppose because we've been busy with projects and I took my fair share of pictures on the trip. I just uploaded 330 pictures to to print. I've vowed to keep up w/ printing pictures, since I got 18 months behind and just caught up in January.

I promise to post pictures soon of our renovations soon. I gotta have Justin help me hang up some pictures and move the curtain rod in Madeline's room. But, when we officially get "done", I'll show you all what we've been up to! I really like how they turned out!

Now, I'll shock you guys again by posting this picture of my 6 month old, going potty on the potty! Yes, we're trying infant potty training this time around. Hey, I'm willing to at least try it! I get the heeby-jeebies when my kids hit around 1 yr. old...when I'm changing MY OWN CHILDREN! (that's bad when you're the mom, and think it's gross!) SO, my sister has had w/ success w/ Gracie, so I thought I'd try it w/ Madeline. I had heard of it before, but thought, "Yeah, right, that's for people w/ 1 kid, who do nothing but wait around for their child to have to "go". Well...I've realized that it's not my 100% consistency and you don't have to start when they're newborns. But you start conditioning them to realize that going potty on the potty is the "norm", not in their diaper. Hopefully I won't have to "untrain" this time.

Having Justin home for a few weeks was a huge blessing! He's never been home for more than a 3-4 day weekend our whole married life! Yeah...hopefully the next baby comes during his "slow season". That'd be glorious to have him around for several weeks, instead of days! So...he's been doing lots of projects w/ the boys, helping my dad on the farm, & helping me do my honey-dos. And, I might add, that we've been gloriously off-schedule! I am happy for a routinue, once again!

We've been just enjoying each day of life we have together. With the passing of Justin's Grandpa and a 26 year old friend, we've realized that each day is a gift and tomorrow is promised to no one. We have a more sober perspective on life, and what we're here for. With the state of our economy, the culture, our country, and the world we live in, it's been an eye opener for us to concentrate on the important stuff: God, the Bible, teaching our children, fortifying our marriage, being wise w/ our finances, investing in relationships, praying, & serving others. We've been reading through a book about the end-times. Wow, that's interesting. For the 1st time in history, all the major players are set! It's exciting to be living during this time in history. I have to keep reminding myself that God has not given me the spirit of fear. That's what I tend to do, when I start reading through Revelation. The good thing is, that I'm on the Lord's side, so really, there's nothing to fear. I guess it's just the "unknown" part that gets me. ;) Yes, and it's good to be reminded, so we can live preparedly. Several things I've been reading have said that the Rapture can take place any time. It says in the scripture (corinthians) that it will happen "in the twinkling of an eye" It's a reminder, that's for sure!
"Only one life, twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last"

So, there's an update w/ some picture for you. I'm ready for warm weather!

1 comment:

Dave Schutter said...

Hi Justin and Megan,
It's been fun to read your blog after getting your Christmas letter; I'm glad to be back in touch with you all .. Hope that you all are doing well ...
