Sunday, October 14, 2007

Domestic Engineering~

Well, I've done it; I've attempted to make my own laundry soap. And I might add that it has proved to be successful. Last Sunday night, I decided to attempt the fancy concoction of Fels Naptha soap (grated), Washing Soda, Borax and about 2 gallons of H2O. I made it while I was cleaning up the kitchen and it took only about 20 minutes out of my day. I still use my Spray N' Wash and sometimes throw in a 1/2 cup of borax. Even Justin's dirty work clothes come out clean. I guess I'm convinced and making 2 gallons only cost me $0.71!!


Anonymous said...

Will you post the recipe, please?
It sounds like a good plan to me.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

One more quick question....what is "washing soda"?
Thank you.

Diehm Family said...

Does it smell good?

Anonymous said...

The recipe is here:

You can find the washing soda in the laundry isle of your supermarket if they carry it. It is like baking soda but the make up is different and it is just for cleaning.

And to answer the question to how it smells. It smells clean, but obviously not perfumy.

Meg, hope you didn't mind me answering these questions! :)
Glad it turned out for you.
Laura in Va

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for taking your time in answering those.