Monday, April 07, 2008

One of those days

It's amazing how God uses our circumstances to change us, eh? Another day to ask for God's grace and see him answer that prayer! Sick baby since Friday, the opportunity to see every hour on the clock last night, cleaning up baby throw-up and other lovely things at 1 am, laundry, trip to the Dr., teaching students, can be hectic and the Lord often completely changes my plans for the day. I'm so glad that I can depend on God's strength and not my own. It seems like there has been a lot of that the past few months. When I look back at the "hardest" times in my life, I've noticed that's when the Lord has gotten the most increase in my heart and life. This is another season of my life to depend on God's strength. It's easy to be joyful, to trust God, to be content, etc, when I feel great and the sun is shining! The test comes when none of those are there and all I can do is cling to God's promises.

I was chatting to my Mom about the "trials" of my life and how hard being a mom can be at times. Her response was that (1) the Lord can uses the hard things to teach me, but also (2.)to bite the bullet, basically. Thanks Mom! Sometimes we just need to hear truth! In her opinion, women these days are wimps, and I'm one too! When I think about the pioneer women, missionary women, Biblical women...what do I have to complain about? Many probably had their babies close together, had sleepless nights, husband and children to feed, plus no help! Here I am, w/ all the modern conveniences, (and my family nearby) and still have a tendency to complain!

I was reminded of my need to focus on the truth of God's Word, when I'm thinking wrong thoughts. Instead of "I can't"--"I can do all things, through Christ..." "I'm tired"--"My grace is sufficient for thee, My strength is made perfect in weakness." "Come unto Me, all ye who labor, and I will give you rest." "In everything give thanks" "Pray without ceasing"

The Lord is using motherhood to teach me many invaluable lessons. No, I'd have it no other way. I love being a wife and a mother, but it's not for the faint of heart and requires plenty of hard work, stamina, and God's grace! I had no idea it could be so hard, but in laying my life down for others (my family), I'm learning, that's true Life! I look into the eyes of my husband and my children at the end of the day, smile and say to myself, it's totally worth it! Thank you, Lord!


Test said...


From a fellow whimpy mommy! How I wish complaining was far from my lips! We're studing Phillipians in church and "Do everything without that we shine like stars.." Has stuck with me!

Micah Frey a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) said...

As I was walking out to the car for church Sunday morning, I told Brett..."I thank God for modern day appliances, I feel like I'm getting so much done!" I left for church with the dishwasher and the washing machine running! I'm whimpy in that I could never have made it "back in the day." But its probably all in what you are use to and have grown up with. It makes you appreciate the small things. I'm grateful that life comes in seasons...and our little ones will only be little for such a short season of our life. Hang in there in Megan, you're right...God is building your character and helping you become even more of a witness to other tired, exhausted mommies out there! As many have said in your blog before...your inspiring and encouraging! See you Friday; Micah

Vanderpolclan said...

Thanks for being honest. Sometimes that is the hardest part - being honest with ourselves. Motherhood is hard work, but the Lord blesses obedience. You are now rising up and calling your mother blessed as according to Proverbs 31. May you also raise up godly arrows, so that one day they will rise up and call you blessed. Be thankful for those around you who can call it like it is, and kindly remind you of the importance of your calling. Bearing one anothers burdens is a blessing.

Ryan Miller Fam said...

I look at your blog sometimes and read just what I need to hear! First of all, you are right about your mom! She always tells me just what I need to hear. Second, thanks for the post. I needed to hear this. It's nice to hear that others also find motherhood stressful at times. I've just spent 4 1/2 hours with Braelyn at the er today. Yes, not what I intended to do with my day. I then get home and am grouchy with the others. It's not their fault my plans got ruined! Bite the bullet! Very true!! It could always be worse!

Rachel said...

Even though I´m not at the wife/mother stage of life yet, your message and witness continues to set a wonderful example! Thanks for continuing to be a role model.

Meredith Ivy said...

Your blog is an encouragement to me... Thanks for sharing.