Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Our Lil' Firecracker turns 2!

...this was at the fireworks show...the day before he was born...looking awfully chipper!

William Noble came smiling, bouncing, screaming, & laughing into our lives on July 2, 2007. After a night and a day of labor, he was born at nearly 9 pm. We snuggled our bald-headed, scrunched little bundle and watched him look around the L & D suite. It seemed as if he was trying to decide what to make of his new surroundings and the world he was born into. I think from that moment, he decided life was to be one big party, and thus, was born...Mr. Cheerful. Now, to try and describe our second child with mere words, is um...impossible. You just have to know him. Be around him. Watch him operate. He's our child that make us look at him sideways. You know, the 2nd born. The extrememly special one. The one that makes you glad there are lots of child training books out there! We call him "Wild Bill" What a nickname for a blond-headed, smiley little 2 year old! He's the child we found happily riding his big wheel down our front hill one morning...and the child I found half-way up the grain bin the other day. (he was going to check on the baby birds, you know.) There wasn't even a hint of guilt on his face...just a big cheesy grin and loud laughter. That's what get's me about him...he could care less, about most things! I guess his motto is: "when in doubt...laugh!" (guess I need to do that more often!)

Perhaps it's this 2 year old stage, but William is either laughing hysterically, smiling w/ bucky-beaver teeth, or screaming. We are working on him. I know God has great things in store for him...we're just wondering what they are. His Daddy thinks he will either be in the Special Forces or the Circus. That's the kid I'm attempting to describe here.

He's our night owl. He's a great sleeper, once he falls asleep. Until then, it's go...go...go!! Usually he's still awake, staring at the ceiling, or talking to himself when we go to bed. He now knows it's in his best interest to stay in least when Mom and Dad are awake. He no longer wanders out of his bed. He usually comes strolling out of his bedroom with a big smile and his blankie around 8...sometimes close to 9 a.m. Yes...good thing he's not in school yet. He'd be getting lots of tardy slips!

William likes to play baseball and hit off the tee. When he runs, he usually does at least 1 face plant. It doesn't even phase him...he's off to the races as soon as he gets up.

Books interest him a lot right now. He does the ABC Bible Verse Book with Samuel and I every morning. We go word by word, and he repeats each verse after me. Sometimes we sing a song to go with the verse. He does a good job, especially considering that he just started talking the past month, or so. I've been amazed at his progress with his speaking. I was getting a little concerned at his lack of communication...besides sign language, and frustrated screaming. It's hard when he would try to tell me something and I had no idea what he was saying! He's all of a sudden started speaking in sentences and repeating lots of what Samuel says. He even has the same intonation and enthusiasm! The clarity of his speech still needs improvement. We know what he's saying, but I'm not sure anyone else would. Samuel tries to intepret for him. It's so hard not compare child #1 and child #2. They're SO different! I suppose I assumed every child I gave birth to would be like Samuel...not so. But, that's good! I'm realizing each one of my children are unique individuals with special talents, gifts, strengths, weaknesses, personalities, and needs. I'm glad God has made each one unique. Otherwise, life would be boring! ;)

William is loves his brother and his sister. I often see him hugging or kissing Madeline. Usually, he gets bullied by his big brother, but Justin warns Samuel of the day when William will be bigger than him and get sick of getting pushed around. Justin tells Samuel, "And I won't feel sorry for you, either...because you deserve it! William! Get Samuel." (that lecture followed by lots of laughing, tackling, and wrestling)

I think William's personality is a mixture of Justin's and my Dad's. Although I didn't know them as children, William is what I imagine them to have been like. In looks, he looks just like his Daddy.

My Dad mentioned to my Mom one day, "I can't wait till William starts talking, so we can find out what he's so happy about all the time!"

I'm so thankful to God for giving you to us. I want to savor each day I have with my little boy. I know you will grow up fast. There's much to learn. May you love and look to Jesus for all things, all of your days. May God preserve your life. May you seek to honor him. Till you come of age to decide these things your Daddy and Mommy will be praying for you, teaching, training, and instructing you.

We love you, buddy. More than you will ever know.

Happy Birthday, Mr. 2 Year Old!!

Here's a promise I'm claiming for you:
"The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil; he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore." Psalm 121:7-8


Anonymous said...

Will is a dandy for sure! My prayer is that he will always have that great smile or grin. He has started out enjoying life to it's fullest; may it always be that way!
Grandpa Max

Vanderpolclan said...

Absolutely beautiful Megan.

Happy birthday William!!


Ryan Miller Fam said...

Happy Birthday,William!!! All the kiddies are growing up so fast. I was laughing to myself the whole time you were describing his personality! Sounds a lot like Avery! Hope he had a great bday!!!

George and Krista said...

Happy Birthday Buddy,

Can't believe you're two already! I remember when we got the call from your mommy and daddy that they were on their way to the hospital- we had just gotten back from our honeymoon a few days before. I know we all were hoping that you wouldn't come during our wedding :) You held out for about 2 more weeks!

We are praying for you to grow up to become a man who loves the Lord and uses your cheerful heart to bless many people in your life!

Uncle George, Auntie Krista and Gracie