Thursday, May 22, 2008

Baby Update....

Pictures to come...

-Now 30 weeks down, around 10 to go. We'll see if this baby comes early like the boys, or if she will be like the rest of the girls in the Miller and Meyer families...perpetually late! :)

-I've officially hit my delievery weight w/ William. (and I've still got 10 weeks to go) Whoa! 150's here I come!

-Still waiting to find out the results of my glucose test...keeping my fingers crossed.

-I have 1 more sonogram next month...required, since I'm planning another VBAC.

-One more positive thing, baby is in the correct position!! I would've never given the baby's position a second thought, until I had one stubborn little guy who wouldn't turn!!


Ryan Miller Fam said...

Anxious to see pictures! Our baby was in the right position and is now hanging out sidways. We are definitely on the home stretch! Hooray!!!!!!

Test said...

That's amazing that you just have 10 weeks to go. Why do other women's pregnancies go so much faster than my own ;-)


George and Krista said...

Yeah, Meg...I agree with Heather! It took FOR-EVER for me to get to 30 weeks...seems like you were just at 16...hmmmm :) Can't wait to meet your little girly. She and Grace will have so much fun together as they get older.