Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Random thoughts

Yesterday, we took the boys and Madeline on a near-2 mile hike, right before supper. Justin would't allow the boys to slow down or give in to a piggy-back-ride. William's short legs walked that whole way. And, you know what?? He went right to bed...well, only tried to get out once. After that, he conked out and slept soundly till 8:30 this morning! Hmm...I guess I need to do better at wearing him out! Those of you who know William, have heard of what a night owl he is. We're still trying to figure out how to induce sleep w/ him. He seriously goes and goes, then crashes and is out for 10 hrs!

Oh, while I'm on this random-subjected entry, I was wondering how other Moms organize their pictures. I seriously feel like pictures are hanging over my head! I like to get creative w/ "photo shoots" of the kids. I take a lot, and get so behind either blogging them, or uploading them to and printing them. I got caught up in January. I was only 18 months behind! I did really well, till April...and haven't printed since then. It also gets expensive! So, what are your tips??

I made a big batch of spaghetti sauce today and a gallon of V8 Juice. (all homegrown, except the carrots and celery) I suppose I should say I made V7 Juice, since it had 7 different veggies, instead of 8. ;) I discovered the trick to making spaghetti sauce. Mine is always too watery. So, I drained the tomatoes overnight in colanders in the fridge. There was alot of clear liquid that drained out! (they were skinned and chopped) So, anyway...I put several gallon ziplocks in the freezer tonight.
I ordered another 40 lbs of blueberries. So I'm planning to go pick those up tomorrow as well as some goats milk, for William and Madeline. We're hoping next year we'll get some strawberries and blackberries of our own! We love growing our own food. It's nice to know where it came from and that it hasn't been sprayed. I'd like to make cilantro is kinda over, though. My peppers are a little slow this year. Hmm...maybe in a few weeks. It was so rainy this year that some of my tomato plants didn't do too well. My Roma's are doing great. The plants look a little brown and wilty, but the tomatoes are great!
Hmm...well, that's pretty much all that's going on here. I'm trying to be consistent w/ exercising. It helps to have a walking partner or two. :) The kids and I are starting to memorize Psalm 23. We've been enjoying summer...and actually got to go swimming today, since it was hot enough! Bye for now!


Elizabeth J. said...

I always like reading about the little things you do with your kiddos. =^)

Elizabeth Sue said...

It is encouraging to read about your eagerness to grow your own food. Please share your spaghetti sauce recipe if you can.

Liv said...

We've just finished freezing 30 dozen ears of corn.

Elaine said...

I totally feel like you with the whole picture thing. I take tons of pics, but never do anything with them. I tried scrapbooking, but it really isn't my thing. I am thinking about making the digital scrapbooks instead. Maybe trying to make one book per year. My husband loves to look at our family pictures...but it is hard to do when they are only stored on our computer and cds. Have you tried digital scrapbooks?