Friday, August 15, 2008


A few things the boys have been doin'...
like fishing...

hiking w/ Daddy...

loving Madewynn

Checkin' her out

Lots of hands

Fort making...

~last but not least, two sleep-deprived parents ran out of the house for 15 minutes of kid-free conversation, while traversing the immediate countryside...good for the soul...


Anonymous said...


You and your family are so beautiful! I enjoyed your pictures :)

Micah said...

Really enjoyed conversing w/ you both last night. I am so happy for you and your family w/ Madeline arriving safe and sound. She is a doll! :)

Gran said...

Love your pictures and enjoy hearing about your family BUT....where were your helmets?

Macnme said...

Hey Meg,
The boys look like they are adjusting very well with a new little sister and having fun. Glad you were able to get out of the house for a few.


George and Krista said...

Aawww...remember how we used to make forts? What ever happened to that monster rocker with the eagle on it that M&D had in their bedroom forever then gave to Justin. Is it still at the cabin? I'm sure Madeline has grown a lot since we saw her. Talk to you soon! (and hey, you need to get on Skype so we can talk for free!)


Macnme said...

HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY SAMUEL!!!!! Wow... I can't believe he is that old already. All these kids are growing up so fast!

Carla and kids

Rose said...

2 thoughts came to my mind: why aren't they wearing helmets? and how can she sit on that bike so soon after giving birth? You must have alot of energy!

Gretchen said...

Love the pictures - especially the last! Hooray for parenthood!