Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sweet William

Lil' guy is 14 months old now! And he's a busy bee! William loves to read books and play the piano. He's also into other creative activities, such as, testing the edibility of crayons, dirt, rocks, and such...likes to check out the toilet and test the temp. of the H20 there...opening doors and cabinets(bummer!)...climbing chairs and tables...flipping light switches on and off...things of this nature, you know...1-yr-old-stuff.

He's keeping me on my toes, that's for sure! However, he's also learning to be helpful! He is learning to pick up his toys (thinks it's a game), throw trash away, and help me carry things. It's amazing how much he understands, even though he can't verbalize much. He is into using sign language, which is pretty fun!

As much work as mothering a 1 year old is, I wouldn't trade it for the world! What would I do without his cheerful little self to brighten my days?! Keep on smiling~~Happy Wednesday, ya'll~


Ryan Miller Fam said...

Those are great pix. He sounds just like Braelyn - my only child who liked to play in the bathroom! His hair looks like it has grown a ton lately. Yes, even though they keep us on our toes - we wouldn't trade them! Life would be very BORING without Brae!
Happy Thursday! Tricia

Macnme said...

Cute pixs Meg. William definitely has a love for books which is great!! Looks like you have all been very busy over the past couple of weeks as well. You look great too!