Friday, October 17, 2008

Some thoughts...

Big Hooray for Friday! We love the weekends around here!

Justin was a good sport last night for the 3 minute photo session I've been meaning to do since William was born. :) So here are some photos of Daddy and Girly...and oh, when I went to bed last night, here's what I found...

...I took a picture, just because I'm so encouraged that my husband spends his time this way...It has seriously transformed (& continues to) his life!!
I've been reading through Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and 1 Peter the last couple of weeks. There's been some thoughts wizzing though my head and heart recently, so maybe writing them down, will help synthesize what I've been thinking about. Journalling has since fallen by the wayside, w/ the increase in our little tribe. But, to everything, there is a season, huh?!

As I've been reviewing what I've read, coupled with the world economy, the presidential election, the bent of our culture, and the whole scheme of events, I have just been sobered about my walk with the Lord, living out a godly marriage, and teaching my children in the ways of God. Some little phrases that have stuck out from what I've read are... "redeem the time"... "BEWARE..."..."be sober" In other words...make the most of your time! watch out! don't be deceived! be serious about life and the choices you make!

I've had several conversations recently, and the content of them was sober. Talking about fashion, new clothes, new cars, hair, vacations, etc...has paled somewhat to what we may be facing in the future... I'm wondering what my children will be facing in their lives, as well. Not saying that I've suddenly become pessimistic in my thinking about life, but just more serious about things. I've been awake so early in the mornings, and just start praying about situations and people. I suppose it's the Lord prompting me to pray more. And that's the time to do it...before my feet hit the floor running in the morning. :)

I read this on someone's blog the other day...:
"I don't get the feeling that raising luke-warm christians is going to cut it with what may lie ahead. And I don't get the feeling that raising children who know all the right things to do on the outside - and look christian - is going to help them anymore than just being plain unbelievers."

It's a good thing to be cautioned, and sobered about life. Looking into the Scriptures (near) daily has helped me to see my need for re-focusing. What I'm here to do in this life, how I will teach and train my children. It's easy to get caught up in the "here and now" and forget about viewing all of life in light of eternity. It's easy for me to fear, instead of trust. It's easy for me to be deceived.

So, all this to say, I've been encouraged to:

"Redeeming the time, because the day are evil...see then that ye walk carefully, not as fools, but as wise..." Eph 5:15-16

"But the end of all things is at hand; be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer."
1 Peter 4:7-8

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil....walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." 1 Peter 5:8

"Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober..." 1 Peter 1:13

~~~~Happy Weekend Ya'll!~~~~


The Hemmers said...

It was nice to meet you again, Megan. I enjoyed visiting with you and playing with your adorable children! William is quite the smiler!

These daddy/daughter pics are so sweet!

Faith Hemmer

Vanderpolclan said...

Thanks for the reminder Megan. I often find that in the busy-ness of homeschooling and mommy-ing, it is easy to put "education" ahead of character.

Gretchen said...

Such sweet pictures! Thanks for the little reminder also on what's really important! It's so easy to loose focus.

Our family: said...

Hi Meg,

I just wanted to say a quick "hello" and introduce ourselves. My daughters and I have been following your blog and your family's blog for about a year. We heard about your string quartet dvd through Above Rubies. We love your music! We are also a homeschool family and your blog has been such an inspiration to my daughters and I am so grateful for godly role models for them!

Your family is beautiful!