Saturday, October 04, 2008

New Sneakers...

The Goff boys' wardrobe is 99.9% hand-me-downs. (we love them...thanx Isaac!) Well, today, they were blessed w/ new tennies, thanks to my friend, Kelsey, who told us about the great sale today at the Outlet Mall~ I thought 4 pairs of cute "stride rite" tennis shoes for $40 bucks was a good deal. (considering that all the other ones were either $30 or dorky looking) I'm still trying to remind myself that buying "new" doesn't = super cheap. I'm just used to garage sale prices, I suppose. $10 for a pair of *new* shoes IS a good price. :) Can't believe Samuel's a 10.5 W and William is a 5.5 W. (platypus feet run in my family...I'll admit that)

Bonus for Mommy: they're slip on/velcro!! I've decided that the tie shoes aren't for our family.
Note to Boys: gum boots are for outside, mud and dirt. These tennis shoes are "dress up shoes" (not takin' those to the cabin! :)

1 comment:

Littlecarlotta said...

I totally know what you mean about new shoe prices. I looked all summer for shoes for C without success. I went into shock when I saw store prices on a pair she'll outgrow so soon!